Friday, July 25, 2008

Family Portraits

These pictures were taken of our family in 1997 at Indian Creek Camp in TN. Even though I'm in the picture, I set it up on the tripod and arranged everyone in the shot. I was practicing some of the things I had just learned in a photography class.

This picture was taken to show the individualism of each family member. Notice the cross has a place as well.

This is my brother, Rudi.

These pictures were taken of my mom, Jan Grentz, at my parents' home. The second picture was taken with a black stocking over the lens to give it a soft look.

These pictures were taken of my sister, Marta Wetmore, neé Grentz in December 2001.

These pictures were taken the summer of 2005 on the campus of Pikeville College of my brother-in-law and sister, Jeremy and Marta Wetmore. This is outside the college library.

This was taken on Jeremy and Marta's graduation from Southern Adventist University and only a few weeks before their wedding. -2001

These pictures were taken as engagement pictures at my parents' house, Christmas, 2000.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Russian Beauty

These photographs were taken with Yelena Verenchuk, neé Serebrennikova as my model. She was a Russian student living with our family at the time.

Summer Theme
These pictures were taken in Michigan at Andrews University and on Lake Michigan in St. Joseph.

Christmas Classic Theme
These pictures were taken during Christmas break using John Singer Sargent paintings as inspiration. The pictures were taken indoors, at night, and with very little light which gave this warm, yet slightly grainy appearance.

These pictures were taken in Kentucky in my parents' home, shortly before her graduation.

Winter Theme
These pictures were taken in KY and MI while actively snowing.

And finally, posing with her new car, this picture was taken in North Carolina on a day that offered some colorful and interesting clouds.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Black and White Collection

These pictures were taken in 1997 for a photography class in college. I developed the negatives and the positives. They have been scanned in to digital format. I tried to remove as many dust spots as possible.


This was taken in Manhattan. I guess it's not exactly still life with the moving cars, but you get the idea.

This is a mosaic of a lion taken in the Natural History Museum of the Smithsonian.

My roommate's teddy bear... known for his kamikaze moments.

This was taken in Sligo Creek Park.

This is the exterior of the Natural History Museum in D.C.

This is a tree on the Mall of the Smithsonian on a winter day.

A shot of the Washington Monument on the same day.

This picture was taken through the window of an old house on Long Island where I stayed many times.

Cherubs on the side of a Manhattan building.


These pictures were taken of my roommate, Shoshana Altintas, née Mounessa. She kindly modeled for me several times as you will see.


This was taken in London, KY of my brother, Rudi Grentz. He was on his high school's basket ball team at the time. As you can see, the developer for the positive left some spots on it and I unfortunately cannot find the negatives to reprint it.


These pictures were taken at Sligo SDA Church. The pianist is
Tarsi Reyna, née Navalon.

These pictures were taken in London, KY and my dorm room! The model is Shoshana Mounessa Altintas.