Saturday, January 22, 2011

Milford Sound and road to Dunedin

Milford Sound excursion

Driving towards Te Anau

Te Anau
Stopping for lunch

Driving on to the sound

On the sound
Seals on the rocks

Anchoring in Harrison Cove
Kayaking in the cove

Dinner of lamb shank

On the sound the next morning

The four sisters

A ship just like ours

Coming into harbor
Waterfall close to the harbor

Views of the sound from the Harbor
A rainbow appears with the sun

Mitre Peak

Road before the tunnel
Glacier parrot

The tunnel

Sites on the road after the tunnel

Our little yellow car

Cleddau River seen along the way to Te Anau

Rain Forest along the way to Te Anau

Road to Te Anau

Lake Te Anau

Road to Dunedin

Sheep and cows grazing together

Rows of poplars


Dunedin sights
City street

Catholic church close to where we stayed

Girl's School across the street from where we stayed


The infamous pasta that could never be cooked soft enough

Etrussco Spaghetteria & Pizzeria

Our B&B


My room

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