Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dunedin and Christchurch

(pronounced: Doo-nee-din)

Dunedin SDA Church

Need a pianist?

Song Service

Stopping for lunch
1908 Restaurant

Fish and Chips

Road along the coast, going towards the tip of the peninsula

Nature's Wonders tour
Farm and land toured on 8-wheeled ATV's to see endangered seals and penguins
Entrance to the property


Along the way...

Stopping for a Kodak moment

Most eastern tip of New Zealand and first place west of the International Time Line - a popular place for people to greet the new year

Seal Beach

Baby seals and a few adults

One of the males



Nap time - we were able to quietly view babies up close through a small opening in the wall that separated us from them

Penguin Beach - home of the Yellow-fin penguin which likes to hide in the brush of the hills

The guide tells me about the penguins avoiding the seals because they look like sea lions, one of their predators. Seals are not.

The path we just took with a view

Lonely Tree

Plant life

High Cliff Road
Road that runs along the top of the peninsula

Lamb grazing on the hillside

View down to the bay

Lanarch Castle

The path from the car park to the castle

Flowers along the way

The front

The entrance

Top of the tower

View from the top of the tower

The grounds

Other flowers

Rose Garden

Walking down to the duck pond

The duck pond - another photographer got in the shot by taking some undeserved precedence

Queen for the moment. ☺

Road back to Dunedin

View of the bay

The First Church of Otago - Presbyterian

Road to Timiru
Driving along the coast

Oamaru - Blue Penguin Sighting

Stuffed penguins - we weren't allowed to photograph the live ones lest it should scare them away from their nests


Our Hotel

Checking in to our suite

Sites around the city

Art Centre - notice scaffolding placed after earthquake

Modern art downtown

One way to sight-see!

Shopping at the artists' stands
The artist autographs her work that we purchased

Le Cafe

Punting on the Avon

On and off tram
On and Off tram

The conductor punches the tickets

Stopping to let a bride and groom be photographed with the tram

Gondola Ride
Riding to the top

View from the top

Antarctic Centre
The front of the centre across from the US Air Force Base for their Antarctic Program

Watching injured penguins being fed

Sitting on the sled at the camp display

In front of the Hägglund after our ride in it!

Hiker's Lodge
Hiker's Lodge exterior on the outskirt of the city heading into the mountains - now a restaurant

Interior of the lodge

Back into the city
Cathedral Square with a fern sculpture in front featuring New Zealand's trademark

Mona Vale on the Avon
The entrance to Mona Vale

Amongst the roses

A charming neighborhood along the Avon, near Mona Vale

1 comment:

Docile said...

Nice pictures, Liesel! Looks like you had quite an adventure! I know now where I should plan my next vacation!