Thursday, July 23, 2015


Today was going to be a long day of driving with little to break up the trip.

Our first stop actually came after lunch in Nebraska.  There is a small creation museum called The Bone Yard.  There were exhibits with fossils and scientific data to support the theory of creation.  There were also many geodes and minerals.  The curator followed us through the exhibits and explained a lot of what we were looking at.  He told us that he had been a theistic evolutionist for years until he heard a debate between an evolutionist and a creationist at which point, he became a creationist.  He was impressed with how many flaws exist in the theory of evolution and realized he could no longer believe in it.

Posing outside the museum

Emily and Abigail pose inside a replica of an extinct, giant shark's jaw

The curator gave each of us a free stone and shark's tooth as a memento of our visit.

Then we got back on the road.  After quite a while of driving, we stopped in Valentine, NE to stretch our legs and to look at Bryan Bridge.  It is a unique, truss bridge which I think you would need a degree in engineering in order to appreciate in that way.  It is a nice-looking bridge and has a nice view of the area, so we stopped off to see it.

Historical marker about the bridge

Bryan's Bridge

View of newer bridge that takes most of the traffic through Valentine

View from Bryan's Bridge

Soon we crossed into South Dakota.  The terrain changed into mostly flat but rolling land.  We headed into the Badlands and enjoyed the beautiful landscapes.

Eventually, we came to a scenic overlook and pulled over.  Abigail was taking a nap and had to be left in her seat.  Marta, Emily, and I enjoyed looking around.

Panaramic Photo by Marta Wetmore

Emily in the flowers by Marta Wetmore

Emily, Marta, and me - taken by a nice stranger from Iowa

After that, we started thinking of supper.  Restaurants, particularly those with vegetarian fare, are further and fewer between.  Then came the signs for the famous Wall Drug.  I've heard the name of this place for some time.  We have seen signs pointing toward it even in other questions.  My riding teacher, Bobbie Barbalace, used to live near it and had recommend we stop there.  We found we weren't far away and that seemed the best place to stop for supper.

Wall drug is famous for creating a marketing scheme that secured its financial stability, starting at a time when the economy was at its lowest (the Great Depression) and continues 'til today.

It started with offering free ice water to travelers which encouraged them to stop and spend money there.  As you can see, they still offer it.  We stopped and had some, along with supper.

Emily and Abigail, waiting for their food.

Emily enjoying one of their famous, fresh doughnuts.

After eating, we looked around in the back.  There were great things for the kids to play on and pose in/on.

Abigail and Emily on a Jackalope

Emily and Abigail as a pioneer and an Indian

Statue dedicated to cowboys

We got back on the road toward Rapid city where we were to spend the night.

Sunset over the Badlands

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